光創起拠点TOPNews & Topics5/21開催 第7回特別講演会”Laser Biomedical Research Center:Recent advances in imaging and spectroscopy techniques for biology and medicine”
News & Topics

5/21開催 第7回特別講演会”Laser Biomedical Research Center:Recent advances in imaging and spectroscopy techniques for biology and medicine”


 この度、光創起イノベーション研究拠点では、MITのMechanical Engineering and Biological Engineering教授のPeter So先生をお招きして、特別講演会を開催します。



”Laser Biomedical Research CenterRecent advances in imaging and spectroscopy techniques for biology and medicine

Peter So,PhD

Professor of Mechanical and Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Director, Laser Biomedical Research Center, NIH NIBIB Research Resource


Standing-Wave Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (SW-TIRM)
Single molecule dynamics
Cellular mechanics and mechanotransduction
Intracellular transport and trafficking
Functional deep tissue imaging
Two-photon 3D image cytometry


Prof. So holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College and completed his PhD in Physics at Princeton University. He continued his postdoctoral research at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Peter So joined MIT as Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1996. Since 2000 he has also served as Associate Director of the Whitehead-MIT Bioimaging center.


Many advances in biology and medicine are driven by the availability of new diagnostic tools. Our research focuses on the engineering of novel microscopy instrumentation and the application of these new tools to study biomedical problems. The problems tackled in my laboratory range from understanding the structure/function of single proteins, nature’s smallest machines, to the devolpment of a new non-invasive optical method for cancer diagnosis. The available research topics in my laboratory can be categorized into molecular, cellular and tissue levels:



会場:静岡大学 佐鳴会館1階会議室 ※会場変更しました

  (静岡県浜松市中区城北3-5-1 静岡大学浜松キャンパス内)


  【静岡大学、浜松医科大学、光産業創成大学院大学、浜松ホトニクス (株)】




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